Never used cold outreach before? Don't worry, we'll support you all the way. Marketing expert? You will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Business owner? You will be able to focus on your business and let us do the rest. Let's get started!
Select an area on the map and a category of business you want to contact. We will gather all matching business contacts and present them to you.
Already have a list of contacts you wish to reach? Simply upload them, we will verify deliverability for you free of charge. You only have URLs of your customers but not the contact information? No problem. Our built in enrichment tool will fetch them for you.
No shady schemes with "Warm Ups" and "Done For You" E-Mail accounts. You connect a professional mailing solution with great deliverability and reputation. We have first party integration with Postmark, Mailjet, Brevo and Notisend. We support every other mailing solution via SMTP. Connect as many mailers as you wish and set daily sending limits for drip campaigns.
Create an outreach campaign using modern tools with placeholders. See in real time the status of your campaign. Who was contacted, when, using what mailer and if the message was delivered.
We are ready to support businesses of any size. We have free unlimited email verifications included in every plan.
Enough to try out a few things and see how the platforms works.
Get your first customers, validate your idea and strategy.
Reach out to more customers and grow your business.
Nothing stands in your way. Contact everyone, close those deals.